Emancipation Park, Kingston May 18th
May 2013

Finally some time off. We drove to Emancipation Park to walk around.
Trick was to find parking since the parkade wasn’t opened. Like England, you can park your car in any direction. There is a famous sculpture featuring a naked couple looking at the sky, it is nicknamed Penis Park for that reason. i am standing in front of the naughty part. Lots of families walking around. We watched some table tennis players since they have outdoor tables there. Music speakers disguised as rocks. lots of flowering yellow, pink and purple shrubs. It was nice orderly park with security guards to enforce the rules of no vending etc. There is a jerk restaurant where you can see them shovelling wood to cook the meat. Bumper cards and a ride. Just a typical Saturday evening.
Then to Sovreign Centre, mall to walk around, look at the food court and there are movie theatres upstairs.
Picked up dinner at Island Grill , a local chain. We both ordered fish in brown sauce. The fish is snapper. Instead of plain rice, its callaloo rice which I think is better. Chinese vegetables (more bok choy) instead of coleslaw and most delicious, ripe plantain. You can choose green or ripe. I think the fish is spicier here.
Back at the apartment,I tried the fresh sugarcane. Its hard work to peel back the outer skin and the juice wasn’t particularly sweet .
highlights recap: Emancipation Park walk and cooked ripe not green plantain, yummy!
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